martes, 3 de enero de 2012

New in - My new Ray Ban TECH sunglasses !!

I didn't won anything in the lottery this Christmas, but I was luckily gifted with these cool Ray Ban sunglasses instead, due to beeing the winner of the Dreivip contest at Mireia's blog, My daily style!! :) . I couldn't believe it! and in two days these fabulous sunglasses arrived at home! The Ray Ban TECH sunglasses are a newer version of the classic aviator Ray Ban sunglasses, but they have black glass and dark grey with little diamond design pins.

So thanks to Dreivip and Mireia from My Daily Style! :) .
Then I show you some pictures of this advanced Christmas present and I hope you like them! :)

No me ha tocado nada en la lotería de estas Navidades, pero sin embargo he sido agraciada con estas alucinantes gafas de sol Ray Ban, por ser la ganadora del concurso de Dreivip en el blog de Mireia, My daily style!! :) . No me lo podía creer! y en un par de día estas estupendas gafas llegaron a mi casa! Las gafas Ray Ban TECH son una nueva versión del clásico modelo aviador de Ray Ban, pero renovado con cristales negros y patillas en gris oscuro con motivos en forma de pequeños rombos.

Así que muchas gracias a Dreivip y a Mireia de My Daily Style!! :) .
A continuación os dejo unas fotos de este regalo de Navidad por adelantado, que espero que os gusten! :)

The detail in the sunglasses pins are the same as the little diamond design of the case and the box where they were contained.

El detalle de las patillas de las gafas de sol es el mismo que el dibujo de pequeños rombos de la funda y la caja en la que venían las gafas.

19 comentarios:

  1. La verdad es que son chulísimas.

  2. Felíz 2012 les desea con mucho cariño!!!...

    Farola de Rozas

  3. Que lindas son.. Me encantan las gafas, y me gustaria acostumbrarme a llevarlas porque de verdad que favorecen, pero me encuentro rara con ellas.. y ahi las tengo todas en el cajon.. de adorno. Enhorabuena otra vez.. que alegria da el recibir asi un regalito verdad??


  4. Qué bonitas que son, me encanta este tipo de gafas aunque a mi no me quedan nada bien.

    Besos y mil gracias por pasarte!

  5. Great sunglasses! Congratulations on winning them!

  6. Nice ray ban. Always wanted one. Great post. Congrats on winning.

    New follower.

  7. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!
    A BIG KISS!!!!!

  8. Thank you so much for your lovely comment, jhilmilbeauty! and for following me! :) I'm so glad that you find my blog so creative and attractive! I really appreciate it! ;) . I didn't find any other place to write you back, so I write you here hoping you'll read it! Moreover I want to let you know that a new outfit post is comming... so stay tunned! ;)

  9. Son muy bonitas las gafas.
    Sin duda hiciste una buena compra!
    Un beso.

  10. oh my... They look great ! Im buying them for so long,but still haven't buy them yet. I cant decide which one to get :)

  11. OMG LUCKY YOU! i want those too :D

  12. thank you for your advice about sunglasses :) You are really nice :)

  13. Thank you so much for your comment! Check out my other outfits and posts and if you like them... follow me to stay tunned to see more! ;)

  14. Congratulations on winning those wonderful Ray-Ban sunglasses. I could hardly find the words to describe how it looks. But for getting one of the most world renowned sunglasses brand is really awesome!

    1. Thank you so much for your comment and your congratulations! Yes, I'm really really happy with my new sunglasses! :) I invite you to check out my other outfits and posts and if you like them... follow me to stay tunned to my new updates! ;)


THANK YOU so much for making me happy with your comment !! :)